Tuesday, May 15, 2007

You can take the girl out of the country....

On Mother's Day, my mom turned 70. We were wandering around the old family farm and found ourselves at a locked gate. Not one to be deterred, she jumped right over the gate. I've now set a goal for when I turn 70. I'm going to scamper over a gate so I can take in the view.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Back on the Horse

I lost April. It's gone. Parts were perfect, others horrific. But life goes on and God is good.

Knitting update:

1. I still need to put a zipper in my weekend cardigan. That will be done before I head to the hills this weekend. Honest. I've gotta wear a maroon sweater while I'm in Blacksburg.

2. The tank I needed to finished is done. For now. Next step is frogging. I can't stand the way the top of the tank came out.

3. The funky sweater is still in parts. I don't love it any less but haven't visited it for awhile.

While on vacation (the perfect part of April), I started knitting Flair by Wendy Bernard. It's mighty purdy. The body is done. Sleeves, collar and buttons remain.

I've been sidetracked from the main knitting projects by Hokie Healing. I'll be hand-delivering my squares to Mosaic on Friday.

Today Thing 1 is home sick. Laundry needs to be put away and the vacuum needs to visit the upstairs of my house. Are we having fun yet?