Monday, March 26, 2007

It's time to finish some projects...

For some reason, I love love love casting on a new project, but, when it's 80% done, I run out of steam. In my head I move on to the next thing, but the UFO is staring me in the face. What's up with that?

This week I'm going to finish the following:

a. Weekend Neck Down Jacket from Knitting Pure and Simple. All that's left is one sleeve, the collar and putting in a zipper.
b. Oooh Baby! Tank from the Yarn Girls Guide to Simple Knits. I need to put on the collar. I've already done that twice and had to rip it out. Third time is the charm. Now that the sweater had been neglected for a year, it should be cooperative.
c. Fabulously Funky Sweater from Yarn Girls Guide to Beyond the Basics. All that's left is one sleeve, the front band and collar.

Next techno-challenge....figure out how in the world to post pictures. Oh dear.

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